Monday, December 30, 2013

A Year of Gratitude :: 2013

I browsed through all of the weekly pictures documented in 2013 as part of my New Year's Resolution.
A year of gratitude.
Looking for the beauty in the extraordinary and ordinary days. The fun and ugly days.
It's a lifelong habit, I'm learning, but it was quite the trip to scroll through and realize the crazy-beautiful-hard-eucharisteo year 2013 turned out to be.
I collected a few of my favorite moments and pictures below.
(P.S. Week 52 wasn't more day left and that week will be a wrap!)

PA training never leaves your in due fashion I feel a need to debrief that little experiment.

The Journey:
I loved the excuse to get a new toy and learn the art of being smarter than your fancy camera. Still not there. Still love it. Yet, carrying around the clunky, expensive DSLR 100% of the time isn't realistic and I learned that my phone will do just fine because moments? They go fast. If I wait to get home to capture the pink and gold sky with the fancy camera it will be dark and covered by clouds. Part of gratitude is just being in the moment. Even if the capture is a bit blurry and imperfect, it triggers the moment and gift. It was easier than I thought it would be, though I did forget a few times hence a few rushed pictures late at night...but all in all not too shabby.

The Lessons:
I need this habit in my life. I would be lying if 2013 hasn't been difficult. Staring down mother nature in her fiery tantrum was heart-breaking. And still is. Saying good-bye to #122...a silly simple apartment that apparently meant a whole lot to me. A big move beginning a year of frugality, hopes & dreams in a place that just won't settle down as home. Incredibly grateful for the opportunity and essential to seek out the moments and gifts I'm grateful for because it's a year of growth and change and patience and frustration and God's molding really stubborn, independent clay.

The Future:
I loved this! I loved this project and I want to continue. Perhaps not every day, but thinking a weekly re-cap? New Year's resolution turned life resolution...I need a grateful attitude, a grateful heart because I have to squeeze out the negative, the selfish, the pessimist I tend toward. Reflecting on these past 365 days I know it's a daily battle, it's all about perspective. Gratitude needs to be my perspective. Sadly, 365 days of trying to intentionally pursue that doesn't magically make it makes looking for the gifts automatic. But each day is a choice - where is the beauty and what is Christ calling you to shake off and replace with His plan? All thoughts bouncing around as I contemplate 2014.

And, it's a tradition after all:

1. What did you do in 2013 that you had never done before?
Learned to commute 5 hours a day. 

2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions and will you make more for next year?
Last year's: To record 1,000 things I am thankful for...motivation from reading One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp. And to help with finding the blessings all around me, I am going to attempt to take a picture every day and post my findings, hopefully, once a week. -- As this is the purpose of this post, check. And have a notebook full of 1,207 gifts and counting. 
Next Year's Resolution is to be determined soon!    

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Oh yes! 
My brand new sweet niece, Hanna (Bear)
My other (pseudo) niece, Emma
And baby Kingston! 
Er, I hope I am not forgetting was an eventful year! 

4. What countries did you visit?
Stayed put in the USofA.
Though adventures were plenty! 

5. What would you like to have in 2014 that you lacked in 2013?
A more hopeful and glass half full outlook...

6. What date from 2013 will remain etched upon your memory?
January 9th - I became an auntie!
And, unfortunately, June 11th.  

7. What was your biggest achievement of the year?

8. What was your biggest failure?
My stubbornness

9. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Besides a few beasty colds, nope!

10. What was the best thing you bought?
What I lovingly refer to as the Ferrari...our red DSLR camera! 

11. Whose behavior merited celebration?
Heidi. That woman is chasing dreams and living life like a boss. 
The courage and determination and strength she possesses awes me.  

12. Where did most of your money go?
Traveling! Alabama and Colorado and Portland and Vegas, plus lots of little get-aways in the beautiful PNW. (AND paying off some!!) 

13. What did you get really really excited about?
Our trip to Alabama to hang out with Jack & Janae & Gunnar and of course, meet Hanna!  

14. What song will always remind you of 2013?
Roar - Katy Perry & Radioactive - Imagine Dragons.

15. Compared to this time last year are you happier or sadder?
Is "sadder" a real word? 
I would say the days feel more difficult than 365 days ago.  

16. What do you wish you'd done more of?
Seen more of my parents, I miss them. A whole lot. 
Besides that, I'm not sure there's much else I would've added in! 

17. What do you wish you'd done less of?
Waking up at 5:00AM.

18. How did you spend Christmas?
Jack & Janae & Hanna took on the PNW...lots of baby giggles and first Christmas gift unwrapping, games and snacks and secret cookie stashes in the closet. It was wonderful! 

19. How will you be spending New Years?
Living it up in Silverdale...ringing in 2014 with my hubby! 

20. What was your favorite TV programs?
Grey's Anatomy, Survivor (yep...still a fan!), and got into How I Met Your Mother. 

21. What was the best book you read?
I read (listened to) Flight Behavior by Barbara Kingsolver and went a wee bit crazy - I adore her stuff so added in The Bean Tree, Pigs in Heaven, Animal Dreams, and Prodigal Summer.

22. What did you want and got?
Besides the DSLR, a whole lot of fox paraphernalia!! Foxes have been a favorite of mine since I can remember and all of a sudden it's trendy so, Christmas was an easy wishlist for me...anything with a fox! :)   

23. What was your favorite film this year?
Just saw The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug which was thoroughly entertaining. Also loved The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. 

24. What did you do on your birthday and how old were you?
Twenty-six! Nick took me to the Puyallup Fair and a rodeo. Continued to celebrate in Seattle, lunch out and a stroll around Greenlake followed by a few rounds of croquet with Kurt & Lisa! The actual day was spent with the work crew who put together a lovely celebration overflowing with crullers and a doughnut cake! Spoiled! 

25. What is one thing that would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
The lack of a Black Forest Fire. 
And perhaps stumbling upon a tree that grows hundred dollar bills.  

26. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2013?
Sophisticated. Classy. More blouses and flats with skinny black jeans and button ups. With a large splash of PNW boots and scarves. (Saturdays and Sundays don't count, right?) 

27. What kept you sane?
Prayer. Bubble baths. Tea and dear friends from near and far. (From year to year, this doesn't change! Still the best soothers there are.) Yet, I will add a few specifics. Heidi and our regular chats. And cute, cuddly kitties. 

28. What is a valuable life lesson you learned in 2013?
Community is hard. 
But it is what we are essentially made for. 
Remembering that is also hard.

29. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:

"So I'll stand with arms high and heart abandoned
In awe of the One who gave it all
So I'll stand, my soul Lord to You surrendered
All I am is Yours"
The Stand, Hillsong

Alright, we gooooo!

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