This could also be tied to the misconceptions or pre-conceived notions about a detox, (including my own)!
What happens when a Monday hits full force?
How will you have the energy to stay afloat? Keep your marbles together?
We are encouraged to continue exercising as normal -- we should be plenty nourished so that shouldn't be an issue, make sure to hydrate and go!
Except, I didn't really believe that as I too felt like I am not getting "enough", not that I'm hungry, just a mental block because there is a lot on the "No" list. I've been doing a quick yoga routine when I get home, but not much else (mostly due to time).
Enter this morning -- a bit chaotic, not enough time, smoothie made, bag full of the entire produce isle ready to get me through this week and out the door. Find parking space. Run down and wait for train. See train light waaaaaay off in the distance and instantly remember smoothie (which is the whole reason I was running late) is in the car.
Oh what to do.
I really really needed that smoothie...or it was going to be an even longer day.
Run! Run with approx. 50 pounds of fruits and vegetables back to the car. Contemplate going home and forgetting it all. Contemplate crying. Grab smoothie then pulls up and I'm still in the garage RUNNING. Down the steps *don't fall* *don't fall* don't fall* Leap onto the still-open door on an empty platform before they shut and off we go. Who doesn't need to get their lungs burning, muscles shaking and sweat pouring by 7 in the morning? Good thing I forgot my natural deodorant on the kitchen counter...definitely didn't need to reapply or anything.
Foreshadow for the busy busy day which included Sarah's baby shower. My perfect plan to eat my lunch and stuff myself with "Yes List" snacks before heading up so as not to starve and drool as people enjoy lunch went well: crazy day, unforeseen issues and before you know it I am running (again) to help set up without any "pre" lunch or snacks (except for the SMOOTHIE. Thank goodness for the smoothie. Good call for marathon training to get that smoothie).
Usually when I haven't eaten and am around food I'm famished and want to sneak tastes every five seconds (quality control people), or I am somewhat lethargic and can't really be of much help because FOOD can we please just EAT already? But my energizer bunny button was on. And I managed to sneak a bowl of salad sans dressing was put on and happily ate with the cheerful gang of guests.
Red peppers
Squeezed fresh lemon juice on top
Actually really delicious and refreshing! Plus I ate my weight in strawberries, pineapple and mango. I seriously love fruit! I surprised myself. I wasn't overcome with cravings for the bread or cake like I thought I would be. I was quite satisfied with the lunch I did put together (I first looked at the bowl of lettuce and was skeptical).
Someone mentioned at the shower that they were on a detox too, a friend chimed in that I was on one and the person looked at me (slender in stature) and commented "Why do you need a detox?!" Back to the misconceptions that the sole purpose is to lose weight. (Again, not my purpose or plan and not how this one is set up).
I made it through the long day without feeling the heavy weight that usually settles on my shoulders. Or feeling deprived at the party. Or collapsing after some intense aerobic exercise (ok ALMOST collapsing...but that adrenaline running to catch public transportation is no small task any day of the year...)
So, Day 3 of Phase 2: by jove, I think it's working!
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