Friday, August 26, 2011

Memory Lane

Day 5: A Picture of Your Favorite Memory

Well, if you ask me, that is an unfair question. I always have trouble picking favorites (which is why you hear me say "This is my favorite movie!" about every fifth movie we watch). Favorite memory of childhood? With each of my friends? College? Trips? I can't narrow it down to just ONE over twenty-three(almost four) years. But I will.

No surprise here, but July 16, 2011 is my Favorite Memory:
memory: Being so excited - 4:00 couldn't come soon enough!
memory: walking slowly with my dad and taking in the smiles of loved ones and friends, and the moment when I looked up and saw my Nick.
memory: the ceremony. Loud clinking rocks and laughter as our families 'planted' the bamboo, taking the 'kiss the bride' part into our own hands and remembering to bend our knees!
memory: the week before with the most amazing friends anyone could ask for. Their generosity, love, support, excitement and friendship means more to me than I can ever express!
memory: officially becoming an Anderson and always treasuring my Bostrom side
memory: the details. So much planning, phone calls, craft marathons... to see it all come together was magical!
memory: the PaRtY! So much fun, went so quickly, and an awesome DJ that orchestrated it all!

memory: marrying my Nicholas. My love. My best friend. Figuring life out together is such a blessing.

Yeah. That pretty much sums up my favorite memory. :)

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