Today is the beginning of Spring Quarter (which has no direct impact on me...)
but campus is buzzing again!! We heard a cheerful student outside our windows yelling "WHOOOO YEAH WHOOOO I LOVE SPRING QUARTER YEAH HIGH FIVE WHOOOO"
Always a fan of enthusiasm...but seriously, this campus has life again!
It was also the start of circuit training again. Which after a good week and a half break just about broke us in two. My muscles are screaming about the first day of school and not the above enthusiasm scream either - but the I have to do homework again?! part.
And, I am pleased to say, wedding planning is stressing me less and less. I feel accomplished and like this thing might actually come together as hoped for! My first sign was a wedding dream I had the other night that differed greatly from the previous ones because A) Everything was prepared! (Usually no dresses, flowers, decorations and no one is freaking out but me). B) It was ACTUALLY in my church which looked like my church and ACTUALLY in the reception hall and looked like the reception hall. How often does that ever line up in dreams? C) The worst problem I encountered was having the programs (neat and folded in the foyer) but no one took them! But they were there - prepared and ready! Not my fault if the dream guests are a bit spacey!
The above picture is from the Prayer Room at church which is where I'm heading. My aching muscles and wearied brain need some much needed time in prayer.
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