The Beginning...
Saturday B.B. and I decided on a 'relaxing' adventure by bus and walking downtown that turned into a rather whirlwinded workout - but good nonetheless.
It began with a jaunt to Victoria Secret to grab some fun items for her best friend's wedding in a few short days. We ooh'd and ahh'd over lacy intimates and I fell in love with shimmer spray.
From there we were famished and followed the Big Yellow Beacon to McDonalds as we had just enough time to squeeze in lunch before heading to our hair appointment. So we set off and walked and walked and walked and wondered why Boylston Ave was NOT getting any closer?? The we took a left and walked up possibly the biggest hill I've conquered only to realize we went in the wrong direction and now needed to head back the way we came. We managed to enjoy our round-about tour of downtown Seattle and Captiol Hill before stumbling in sweaty and out of breath at the salon. It was however, a beautiful, warm, SUNNY Seattle day which made our wandering that much more bearable because it wasn't raining and windy and well, miserable. are the results:
Bangs...again! It's been a few years, but I'm excited to have them back! She also put some layers (and bounce) back in my hair and cut a good 2 inches off. Nothing like a healthy hair cut to make you feel fresh! And my stylist made my roommate swear to drag me back for up-keep and trims...I'm no good at the maintenance thing...
Then Brie and I met our other roommate downtown - picked up our new couch and carted it back to the apartment and up 3 flights of stairs ("PIVOT" anyone?) and the girls diligently re-arranged our living room into a lovely open space...but more on that tomorrow!
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