Saturday, February 26, 2011

Remember those surveys?

Remember in middle and high school those email surveys would circulate and populate your MySpace page? I loved those. It could be thought that it was motivated by the self-centered adolescent that loved talking about herself, but as I've grown I've come to realize that I just love self-discovery and questions are a great way to do that. They make me think, and reflect, and understand.

So I happened upon this site and was delighted by all the questions! So I put together my own "Proust Questionnaire" which I'm calling the updated Adult Survey.
  1. What do you most dislike? At the moment? Being cold. In the wider scheme of things, I'd have to say intolerance which usually breeds all sorts of things I dislike such as hateful words, self-righteousness, abuse, and pain.
  2. Growing up, who did you most admire? In Elementary school I idolized my teachers - I never wanted to leave their class and move to another grade. That skipped a beat in Middle School where I chose to admire no one and nothing but my teachers again drew my attention in High School.
  3. Describe the most beautiful place you have ever seen? I have two. One is standing at Cape Point in South Africa and looking at the green cliffs that all come to a point at the southern most tip - the Indian and Atlantic Ocean merging together in a chaotic line jutting out from the tip. The other was another high point - looking out over hundreds and hundreds of rice fields glistening from the gray skies in China. The work of man and the work of God.
  4. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? To move things with your mind...what is that called again?
  5. What was your most epic road trip? Again, I have two. #1 Amy and my Senior Roadtrip to California. Disney, constant laughter, the beach and my favorite place, Orange County. #2: WOC-09 the epic Washington-Oregon-California trip with a bunch of crazies.
  6. What food brings back childhood memories? Steak and potatoes. And ranch, definitely lots of ranch.
  7. Do you have a favorite prayer or meditation? I love the "Jesus" prayer - "Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, a sinner." Mostly because of the sermon I heard in conjunction with it by Jurgen Moltmann. Mediation would be labyrinths. Hand or life-size...they bring a deep sense of peace.
  8. How do your friends bring out different parts of yourself? Well, I'll name a few. I think Megan brings out my wild side, my spontaneous - let's leap before we look side. Brie Bear brings out my silly side (I do enjoy a good prank with her...), Therese brings out my inner philosophical side...she makes me think. That and we're both secretly magical.
  9. What do you do to get centered? Journal. Bubble bath. Being alone. Going for a run.
  10. Which hobby would you pursue if you had more time? I would love to learn Glass Blowing...such beautiful things are made! And I really wish I had a potters wheel and some clay handy.
  11. Which book could you read over and over? All the Harry Potters. And I have read them over and over and over again.
  12. What you love most about your home? My roommates. They're lovely and funny and make our small little apartment a home. That and my OWN room - praise the Lord.
  13. What would you do if you won the lottery? Honestly? The very very first thing I would do is take my beloved Dimples (850 Volvo) to the sweet little Volvo place in Ballard and say "Fix it! Fix it all! You see something that needs re-vamping, re-twisting, tweaking, re-placement - do it!" I know buying a new car would just be easier, but Dimples and I have a relationship and nothing would satisfy me more than to check off that pesky list of things not going so well in my aging car. BUT, I would have to say please leave the dimples...

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