Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Sharp Edge of Truth

People are starting to trickle back on campus...classes officially start tomorrow!
So the last quarter begins - last quarter before I am an alumni...of college! That's weird.

I saw this verse on my friend Chris' blog and found it beautiful, convicting and the perfect words for where I'm at today:

Psalm 15
"LORD, who may dwell in your sanctuary?
Who may live on your holy hill?

He whose walk is blameless
and who does what is righteous,
who speaks the truth from his heart

and has no slander on his tongue,
who does his neighbor no wrong
and casts no slur on his fellowman,

who despises a vile man
but honors those who fear the LORD,
who keeps his oath
even when it hurts,

who lends his money without usury
and does not accept a bribe against the innocent.
He who does these things
will never be shaken."

Chris reflected on these words and used the imagery of a phoenix:

"God, be merciful to me, the sinner!
make me like the phoenix and
rebirth me from the ashes of my own ruin [death]"

His eloquent and vivid words reminded me of my own desperate need of the grace of God, to surrender my stubborn control and accept his peace, as Paul did, and learn to be content in all circumstances.

Wow. That's so much easier said than done. Psalm 15 sets the bar high and I shamefully duck underneath because, guess what, integrity is painful. Verse 4: 'who keeps his oath, even when it hurts.' No excuses. No minimalistic scraping by. No claim of ignorance. We are called by God to do the impossible, and we can only do that by surrendering everything to God and watch Christ work through us.

Still desperately learning how to be content. So, instead of complaining about what I'm deeply NOT content about (which is easy), here is something I'm thankful for today: I got to catch up with my staff this afternoon over some delicious Elliot Bay Subs - everyone was glowing with Spring Break euphoria and the room rang with laughter at being together again. Moments I'll treasure.

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