What do you get when you have three 9's and two 2's?
A full house!

So, I'm calling this my Full House Birthday ...if only it came with a jackpot!
Here are 22 goals, aspirations, dreams and things to-do in this, my twenty-second year of life:
1. Go to China!
2. Get a job!!
3. Stay caught up on scrapbooking
4. Learn to enjoy cooking
5. Be thankful
6. Pray, pray, pray!
7. Read the newspaper
8. Get ahead on Christmas shopping
9. Raise money for Baphumelele
10. Dress nicely more often
11. Plant herbs and harvest!
12. Attempt another bonsai (r.i.p. berry leaf)
13. Finish a crossword puzzle without using Google
14. Keep the Sabbath
15. Color more
16. Sponsor a child
17. Explore Seattle
18. Spend a weekend in Canada!
19. Go out to coffee (or tea) with friends more often
20. Watch a sunrise
21. Have a picnic on the beach
22. Live each and every day like it's my last, spend less time being frustrated and more days in awe of God's beauty and blessings. I've been reminded just how precious, fragile and unpredictable life is. Rest In Peace Yoni, you'll be missed so much.
That's an awful lot to do in one year!!! And concerning our dear Yoni - beautiful.